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WNY Life Coaching Center: Client Data Form

5500 Main Street Suite 313

Williamsville, NY 14221



DATE: ______________________________________________________

NAME: _____________________________________________________



BUSINESS ADDRESS________________________________________________________________________


HOME Phone_______________________________________ CELL__________________________________

EMAIL: _______________________________________________________________________________________

Ok to leave message everywhere? ____________ If not, please instruct_____________________


Preferred method of communication: _____________________________________________________


Date of Birth_________________________________________ Age________________________M or F

Other Significant Dates__________________________________________________________________

Preferred Coaching Schedule:

Day of week______________________________________ Time/s__________________________________

Please circle All Acceptable coaching methods:

In person / Skype / Phone Calls/ E-mail

Most Preferable:

In persons/ Skype/ Phone Calls/ E-mails

Name of important people in your life (spouse, partner, children, parents friends, workers, boss, teachers etc.)






Emergency Contact_______________________________________________________________________

Other information you want me to know about-_________________________________________




How did you hear about my coaching Services?


What influence your decision to work with a coach_____________________________________




5500 Main Street Suite 313

Williamsville, NY 14221


Have you ever been coached? Please describe if so

Do you have specific goals for the coaching relationship? If not, what goals might you now create?



What are your significant commitments?




What would your perfect life look like?




What are your dreams?



What dreams have you given up on?



Where do you want to focus first?

What parts of your life are working best now?

What parts of your life are working least well?




What are your values?




What stops you from having the life you want to have?



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